Wednesday, April 5, 2017

13 Reasons why- Book & Netflix review

So i read this book many years ago- and i enjoyed the book very much. It hits a lot of subjects that are hard for people to talk about.. Suicide, sexual assault, bullying, and low self esteem. In the book the main character Hannah has ultimately ended her life, but she left behind cassette tapes- yes they use to be a thing! On these tapes she has left 13 reasons why she committed this act. Since the main question after someone commits suicide is always WHY? Hannah gives us this answer. The book was hard to read, because it does hit emotional points that everyone has gone through during one point in life.
Fast Forward to 2017- Netflix just created the series based off the book- and WOW they did an amazing job of recreating the book on TV- no extra things added- and stayed true to the story the book was presenting. I found the netflix show to be just as hard- if not harder to watch as the book. During the show we once again hear about the tapes- but we learn more about how her death affected each and everyone on those tapes. It shows the bullying, the sexual assault, and her suicide. It was tough to watch, but this opens the door for families, for friends, for anyone to begin the discussion of suicide.
Because wether we like it or not- depression is a real thing- suicide happens to people you know, this is not something that happens to other people but no one you know. It does- it happens all the time, all over the country. If you know someone who may be suffering get them the help they need- go tell your parent- go to the school- yeah they may hate you for a while but so what? Your saving their life.
This show i pray opens the eyes of kids today- especially high school kids, because this shows how tough it is for everyone during that time, i can't imagine how hard it must be now- with the internet when the bully's dont stop at school, they have to come home and be harassed online and it's a never ending cycle.
Stop the hate- Stop the Bullying- Save a Life.

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